Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Humility is the way to the Kingdom of Heaven.
- Message No. 162 -

My child. My dear child. I, your Mother in Heaven, want to say the following to you and to all Our children today: Do not judge, for only God can do that. Be good to each other, and do not talk about each other. Everyone is different and yet you are the same: in terms of your origins, in terms of your soul's desires, in terms of your inheritance, and in terms of everything related to God the Father.
To separate man from God the Father is not possible. The attempt alone is insanity. Man comes from God. Every child born is a gift from God to his parents and the whole family. This begins from the moment the baby is conceived in the womb. If you now want to turn away from God the Father, try to live independently and without HIM, then this can only go wrong.
The separation from God the Father is not possible, because it is HE who gives you life, and it is HE who keeps you alive. Without the divine flame in your heart, in your soul, you would not be able to live, and this flame never goes out. Be aware of this! It is through the almighty love of God that keeps each one of you alive!
You can deny God, you can consecrate yourselves to the devil, but what do you achieve? Your own tormenting, stinking and deeply depressing damnation, from which there is no escape for you, because who once has got involved with the devil and does not turn back in time -a quite difficult process, because whom the devil has caught, he does not give away just like that- if he has pulled you into hell, then you are lost forever for the eternal life in the kingdom of God.
Wake up, then, My children so beloved by Me, and find the way to God! Attend your Holy Masses andreceive the Holy Eucharist, the Body of My Holy Son working in you. Ask for the Holy Spirit to lead you out of darkness and pray to Us, to Me and My Son, to your saints and the angels, so that We may all rush to your aid and save you from the terrors of Satan.
Call Us, and We will come! Be faithful to Us and work on yourselves a little every day. Humility is the way to the Kingdom of Heaven, and it will be the humble souls who will enter the New World, His New Kingdom, with My Son on the Day of Great Joy, when the battle for souls is over.
So become children of God again, i.e. find your way to your Creator, live with HIM and according to HIS laws. Then, My so beloved children, you will no longer judge others, for your lack of understanding will give way to love, and your grueling thoughts will become joyful and confident ones.
Live with Us, Heaven on earth, and good things will come to you. For whoever lives with God, with His Heavenly Helpers, will live in joy, even now, in these difficult end times. So be it.
Your loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of all God's children.
Thank you, My daughter.
Source: ➥