Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, December 5, 2014
Take advantage of this holy time!
- Message No. 769 -

My child. My dear child. Today, please tell the children of the earth the following: You must reflect on what is true and valuable in life: Life itself, because it was given to you by the Father, and only HE is authorized to give and take it, no other -not even you yourselves- may make this decision (and execution!!)! My children. If you are in despair, turn to My Holy Son. He, Son of the Almighty Father and your Redeemer(!), will take care of you and open doors for you, which you did not know before. You, who are subject to constraints - self-imposed or imposed by others - also turn to My Holy Son, your Redeemer! He will come to you and give you help and healing, but you must find to Him and leave yourselves to Him! My children. It is high time for all Our children to surrender THEIR LIVES TO HEALING! Wait no longer, My beloved children, for the end is drawing near to your earthly existence and only those who have found Jesus will know His so great, all-encompassing and healing love, which gives you peace, joy and perfect fulfillment! You will live in this love, as soon as you hand over the "self-direction" of your life to HIM, your Messiah, sent by the Father FOR YOU ALL, and share EVERYTHING with HIM, give it to HIM, sacrifice and/or give thanks! Honor the Father, WHO, out of HIS so wonderful love for you, sent you HIS Son on earth! Celebrate this Holy Christmas in love and care and in greatest gratitude! It is the birth of your Savior that is celebrated, and you MUST give yourselves and everything to HIS service, giving HIM honor and greatest thanks. My children. The Christmas Spirit is taken from you, by the devil and his helpers, by all the commercialism you run after and succumb to. Stop living in externals, and reflect on the true: My Son was born to you for the redemption of your, because through HIM you find the way home to the Father, and every misstep, sincerely atoned and repented, is forgiven you THROUGH HIM in the Holy Sacrament of Confession! So purify yourselves now, and free yourselves from distraction and temptation: My Son was born to you and the graces that the Father gives you in this Holy Time -the Advent and Christmas- are full of love and great! My children. Use this Holy Time in reflection and conversion and find completely to the Father and to the Son! Ask the Holy Spirit for His guidance and help and pray to your guardian angel and the heavenly angelic hosts, because they are especially close to you in this time! So take advantage of this time, which is precious, and accept the Father's gift with love and joy. Seek out your Holy Places and Mass celebrations and let the "Christmas Spirit" live: My Son, your Jesus, was born to you! So put your life at His service, in Holy Adoration and joy in HIM! Be grateful and give thanks and reverence, praise and humility, because: The Lord is born to you.
Your Mother in Heaven, who loves you so much, with the Holy Angels of the Father.
God the Father also looks upon Us.
Source: ➥