Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, March 23, 2015
It is only a matter of time!
- Message No. 889 -

My child. Please write. Please tell Our children the following today: Convert and confess, My children, for much time does not remain for you, and soon the end will come upon you.
Be warned, for the Antichrist stands ready to enter your world stage, and it is only a matter of time. Skillfully threaded he already manipulates your world events, and even in Rome the last preparations are made. Step by step you, who are faithful and devoted to My Son, will recognize these changes and see what evil game is being played with you, but, My beloved children, never be afraid, because My Son will be with those who love HIM, and NO ANTICHRIST WILL BE ABLE TO DECEIVE YOU, IF YOU ARE FIXED WHOLE IN MY SON!
Children, convert and so confess, for ONLY MY SON IS YOUR WAY! Without HIM you will be lost, and that, My beloved children, means the eternal torment of your soul.
Turn back, so that you may have a chance! The New Kingdom is created for all God's children, but you must profess Jesus and become/be worthy to enter this so wonderfully glorious gift!
Children, get ready, for the end is at your door! Whoever is not prepared will experience hard times and his soul will suffer!
So come now, My children, and give Jesus your YES! One YES is enough to take the first step. Say it sincerely and consecrate yourselves to My Son! A consecrated child will not be lost, but the consecration must be done from the heart in perfect love for My Son. Amen.
I love you. Prepare yourselves.
Your Mother in heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥