Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
You are responsible where she goes!
- Message No. 1064 -

Come to Me, My daughter, and hear what I have to say to the children of the world: Your world is coming to an end, yet you do not see it.
Be sure that it is so and prepare yourselves, whether you are believers or (yet) unbelievers, for the Lord will come and lift you up, and peacefully and happily you will live in His New Kingdom, but you must be ready and give your YES to HIM, for whoever does not give his YES to the Lord will perish, and his soul will be exposed to the eternal fire of hell, flames that seek to destroy his soul, but they do not bring about "salvation", but pain, infinite pain, and torment and anguish and distress for eternity, because the soul -your soul- is immortal, and eternal it will be, and you are responsible where it goes: To the Lord your Savior Jesus Christ, or to the eternal flames of Satan's hell, where greatest suffering and torment await it.
Be certain, then, that this earth is passing away as it is now, and that the Lord will come and give His New Kingdom to you. It is up to you, children of the earth, whether you go to HIM, but be told: You must be ready, for the time is running out.
So prepare yourselves and wait no longer. I, your Saint Bonaventure, ask you in the name of the Lord: prepare yourselves for His Second Coming, for soon your earth will pass away, and good to him who has prepared himself, for the New Kingdom will be given to him. Amen.
Pray, My children. I, your Bonaventure, ask you to do so, because your prayer is strong and powerful and works so many miracles in your present time.
With deep devotion, your Bonaventure.
My blessing I give you. Turn back and prepare yourselves. Amen.
Source: ➥