Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, November 2, 2015
Supplicate to Heaven! You have not understood how serious your situation is!
- Message No. 1095 -

My child. Sit with Us and listen to what I, your loving Mother in Heaven, and Jesus, My Son who loves you so much, have to say today to the children of the earth: Listen to Our Word, beloved children. The end is near, beloved children, and you must prepare yourselves. The signs in heaven and earth will increase, and you must recognize them! Plead to Heaven and ask the Father for forgiveness for your sins and for the sins of your present world!
You have not understood, My beloved children, how serious the/your situation is. My Son will come, but it will be very bad for you before. The elite is preparing everything, or has already prepared most of it, and the entry of the Antichrist is near.
Do not despair, beloved children, for whoever is completely secure in Jesus will survive these dark times. Rejoice, for the end is near, and Jesus will lift up all who are truly faithful and devoted to HIM. Focus your lives entirely on HIM, your Savior, and remain secure in the circle of those who follow My Son faithfully and honestly.
Do not give in to temptations and avoid the outside! So many traps are waiting for you there, and the more "darkness" the devil brings into your world through those who have not understood, the harder it will be for you, beloved children, who follow My Son. Never give up and pray a lot!
You have received the instructions for this time from Us in these messages! Read them attentively and again and again and keep away from novelties and falsehood. You will recognize who is faithful to My Son and who is hypocritical! You will recognize in which time you live! You will recognize how many have gone astray!
Remain faithful to My Son and do not lose yourselves in the outside. Do not follow the masses, but pray! Pray daily to the Holy Spirit for preservation and from going astray, to the Holy Archangel Michael for protection from evil, to Me, your Mother in Heaven, may I put My protective mantle around you and your loved ones, and to the Father in Heaven, may HE shorten the time!
Consecrate yourselves to My Son and pray to HIM! Every consecration brings you a little closer to HIM! Consecrate yourselves to My Immaculate Heart! In this way you are also very close to Me at all times! Repeat the consecrations daily, because they renew the covenant between you and Us every day anew!
Give yourselves to Me, your so much loving Mother in Heaven, and to My Son. In this way you will not be lost and your soul will find eternal salvation at the end of the road.
I love you, beloved children of the remnant army. Pray so that many more souls may find the way to Jesus, My Son. Pray so that the Holy Spirit of the Father may work in the hearts of all the children. Pray, because your prayer is your protection from all the evil that is still planned and is to come. Pray so that the Father will hold back the worst. Amen.
I love you. Be always faithful and devoted to My Son. Amen.
Your Mother in heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥