Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Understand this! Put it into practice!
- Message No. 1315 -

My child. Times will be hard now, but do not be afraid. He who is firmly hidden in Jesus will have nothing to fear, for the Lord takes care of him, and His holy angels are already sent out to the one who is faithfully and sincerely devoted to My Son.
My child. My children. You must pray and consecrate yourselves to Jesus DAILY. Our protection is indispensable, so ASK and pray to it! You must not cease to pray deeply and sincerely.
Many calamities are planned, and more and more the evil one overruns your world, your life, through his elite and machinations! You must remain strong and steadfast and must not give in at any time. The one who does not remain hidden in My Son will soon take the mark of the beast, for he is weak because he has not asked for protection!
Children, your prayer is the weapon of these end times! Understand this! Put it into practice! Pray, pray, pray! Only those who remain anchored in Jesus will survive this time!
It is a short time, My children, but since you cannot see the end, it seems to you long and far away the end, but it is not so! You risk your eternity if you do not remain steadfast! Do not accept the mark of the beast at any time, because that means your downfall!
The warning is your last chance to find completely to Jesus. Whoever lets this chance pass, whoever is not ready for it, whoever does not want to accept it, be told: You will be slaves of the evil one for eternity, and you will have no hope anymore. You will be tortured and tormented, because you have gambled away the kingdom of heaven for a little bit of freedom in a world, tyrannized by evil. You will no longer be free people, neither now, nor later.
Only the Lord can and will put a stop to evil, but you must be faithful and devoted to HIM, otherwise you will be lost to the evil one. The New Kingdom is ready and all faithful children will be lifted up. But he who does not stand firm, there will be no hope for him. The evil one will soon show his true face, but then it will be too late for you. You are not only slaves to him and his elite, but you will have no rights and no opinion.
Whoever accepts the mark of the beast is lost forever. The evil one is already manipulating him, but you will no longer be true human beings. God, your Creator, has provided for everything and your human body is a marvel of His creation. You are created in His image and His name is in you. Whoever now gives in to falsehood will be lost. The Lord's name will be blotted out, and the marvel that you are will no longer be able to refer to God. You will be so manipulated that you won't even know it, because you will carry out and think what the Evil One puts into you, and all this is possible through the poison that is being injected en masse into so many of God's children right now.
Children, wake up, because it is not too late for you! God the Father is a merciful Father and through His Son, your Jesus, you still have a choice! But as soon as your new age high tech 'weapons' come into use, good to him who has not accepted anything of evil!
Awake, beloved children that you are, awake! You are at the end of times and only Jesus will be able to save you.
Look around you and put 1 and 1 together. Whoever continues to be lied to, whoever blindly follows the mainstream, will be lost very quickly, and My Son will not be able to do anything for him.
If the name of the Father is extinguished in you, there is no salvation for you!
Use the warning as a final act of mercy!
I, your Mother in Heaven, call to you, My beloved little ones. Listen to My call, for the Father is waiting for you, and not one of His beloved children does HE want to see lost.
In deep maternal love,
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Saint Bonaventure:
The mark of the beast is in the syringe.
It is also in your modern day devices.
All chips carry it, are marked with it.
The important thing is that YOU DON'T TAKE IT! I.e.: You must not carry it within you, for you will then be lost to the devil.
The name of the Lord God, Our Creator, is 'engraved' in you, imprinted.
Whoever takes the mark of the beast then belongs to the devil. So beware of these implantations, for whoever bears his mark will be his slave forever. Amen.
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