Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, June 7, 2001
Apparition of Our Lord and Our LadyMessage of Mary Most Holy

"My children, I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace, the Lady of the Rosary, of Grace and of HopeHoje, I invite you once again to renew your prayer, your penance and your conversion. I am grateful to you all who make efforts for Me, who fight for My cause, and who spread My Messages. But, little children, the number of souls who have gone astray is still very great...You must work more intensely...I need you to try to spread My Messages as much as possible, and the requests I give you...Truly I tell you, children, that if humanity had at least heeded My Message of La Salette, the world would not be in its present state.
The blame for the present state of the world lies with all those who have rejected My Messages, trampled on My Appearances; spat on them and hid them...If My warnings had been made known to the world, it would by now be a true image of Paradise. But since My supplications were not heeded, and since the Heart of My son and Mine were crucified, Satan ruthlessly walks over souls and drags them with his tail behind him...I invite you, My children, to give Me your hands, so that I may reach to the most distant hearts. I desire Peace, but I cannot give you Peace if you do not accept Her who is the Queen and Perennial Source of Peace...Accept My Love, My children...accept My Love!
Love descends, from heaven to earth, to save you. I do not look upon your faults. I will gradually transform them into virtues as you give yourselves more and more confidently to Me. Let yourselves be carried in My Arms, just as My Divine Son Jesus Christ, the All Holy One, left...I want to take you to Heaven. I want to convert you! But I need your yes...Pray for the Pope. He suffers a lot. Pray for My Plans to come true. I am in a hurry. I am urgent, and what I do, I do soon. I thank you, Marcos, my son, for going to My Shrines, especially the one in La Salette.
Now you must make all this known to My children, without fear. You will be contradicted, persecuted and fought...But I will imprint strength on your hands and your voice, and the evil ones will not be able to resist you...Go ahead, My son! Go! bring and save to Me that which can still be saved...Whoever welcomes you will be welcoming Me. He who rejects you, will be rejecting Me...I bless you all in this moment...I bless you all in my immaculate Heart. To all I give my Peace, my Light, and my Mother's Love".
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"My Souls, My Beloved One! Listen to me, the Sacrosanct Saints, I come to tell you today! I want you to accept promptly what my Mother has been asking of you for the past 160 years...My Mother spoke to you with clear words; gentle and decisive words; that you convert, that you turn to Me and to My Heart. But what has humanity done? By overcoming and gaining much from Judas, she has betrayed My Love; she has ridiculed My Gifts that I sent her from My Throne in Heaven, and trampled on My Messages and My Providential Works of Salvation. ...This 'was' is more guilty than that of Sodom and Gomorrah, because if I and My Mother had been sent to Sodom and Gomorrah, they would have been converted...If the Prophets had been sent to them, performing the same Miracles that We, in the places of Our Apparitions, do...they would have been converted...I want this generation to return to Me for Love, but...the way things are going, many souls will only return to Me under the azorrague of pain. I don't like to punish. I only use this means when there is no other way to awaken you from the madness of plunging into the abyss of perdition...I, through my daughter Faustina, instituted the Feast of Mercy, but humanity did not receive it. as a consequence of this, if you do not change...if you do not convert...if you do not attend to Me...I will be forced to institute the Day of My Justice. and oh! What a Day! My Angels tremble, just hearing the possibility of this Day...I invite you, therefore, to embrace My Mercy...My Mercy which is My Most Holy Mother, while She is on earth. My Mother, with Her Apparitions, is like a Door that I opened, and that no one has the power to close it now. But when I close it, whoever is outside and knocks, will no longer be able to enter...The time of waiting is over. My Patience is exhausted. Many injustices cover the earth, and My 'righteous' and 'saints'. My little children are crying out for Me, night and day, that I may come...and I, I will do them justice, and very quickly...Therefore, souls of my Heart, live your consecration to my Heart and to my Mother's Heart! I am a God of Love! Whoever does not understand My Love, does not understand Me! Whoever does not accept My Love, comes close to the Light, feels its warm rays, but does not embrace anything, because he does not see...I want you to return to Me for Love...that is why I have given you devotion to My Sacred Heart, to the Immaculate Heart of My Mother, and to the Most Amiable Heart of My Adoptive Father, Saint Joseph. Whoever lives them faithfully, leading a holy life, will be saved. I want you to pray a lot for the countries that my Mother requested here in the past years. I want you to reread Our Messages and make them known to the world. Nothing, no work. No service now is more important than that of spreading Our Messages...Just as My Apostles could not preach anything other than what I sent them, or else they would no longer be My Apostles, so you cannot want to announce or do anything that is different from what I told you to do:- Making Our Messages known to You...Truly I tell you:- After Paris there was La Salette. After La Salette, there was Lourdes. After Lourdes there was Fatima, Pontmain, Beauraing, Banneux, Akita. Garabandal, Medjugorje and Kibeho, Naju and so many places where I sent My Mother, and where I myself went with her. But I tell you: After Jacari, there will be no more Apparitions! After Jacari there will be no more!!! Convert! Be converted, for My children! I do not want to see you one day among the dragon's prey! Be converted! I want your salvation! Listen to my mother who calls you! I followed the example of Our Saints. And if you do all this, I will be your Heaven already on earth, and then, for all eternity...I am Love! I Am Love! I Am Love!