Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Message From The Divine Holy Spirit - 216th Class Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love - Live

(Holy Spirit): "Beloved children of Mine, beloved people of Mine, I the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Trinity, come again today to bless you and give you Peace!
I am the Truth, I am the Life, I am the One who gives man the Virtues, the Gifts, knowledge of God, I am the One who was the life of your lives. I Am That Light, without which every man walks in darkness.
Come to Me, whoever comes to Me will find Life, will find Peace, will find the Love that his heart seeks, seeks uselessly in the things of the world, where I am not, where I do not dwell. And because of this the more pleasures they give themselves, the more material and vain things they give themselves, the emptier they become.
Come to Me, and I will give you My Love, love so great and so strong that with it you will no longer have any need of pleasures, of sins of impurity to feel happy, complete, and with joy in fullness.
I am joy, outside of Me you can have no joy, in sin you can never find joy.
I am happiness and peace, outside of Me, in sin, in what is contrary to Me, in what offends Me, you will only find illusion and bitterness.
Come to Me, for I, I will give you true Peace.
Peace! Peace! Peace! This is the purpose of My Apparitions here with My Mystical Bride, accompanied by all the Angels and Saints, of Jesus and the Eternal Father. This is the purpose of Our Apparitions Here, to give you true Peace of the heart, to teach you that with sin, in sin you will never have Peace. Where there is sin there can be no Peace, in pleasures, in the sins of the flesh, in the vain things of the world, you will never, never find happiness and peace because only I can give Peace and in these things I am not and never will be.
Come to Me so that I can give you the Peace, the Peace of the heart, that your soul seeks so much and never finds. You are already tired, tired of looking for peace and happiness and never finding it. You have spent your life on the wandering paths of sin seeking happiness, fullness of life and joy.
I am Here to awaken you from your error, to take you out of this spiritual blindness, and to make you understand that only in Me and with Me will you have true Peace, you will have the true Happiness that your heart seeks.
I am Life, outside of Me everything is death, everything is chaos, everything is the end, everything is suffering. Only in Me will your life be blessed, only in Me will you have peace in life, only in Me will you have the love, peace, and joy of Heaven, which will make you taste and experience the delights that the souls of the saints and the blessed enjoy in Heaven with Me, in full vision of Me.
Come to Me, for I am He whom your Heart seeks. I Am He for whom your soul cries out. I Am the One for whom your soul groans day and night. Come to Me My child, no matter how you are and how you are, come to Me and I will give you My Grace, I will give you My Love. The only thing I demand from you is the sincere renunciation of sin that you deplore this My enemy that offends Me so much and makes Me sad.
And if I see that in you there really is sincere renunciation of sin, you cannot imagine the divine follies of Love that I will do for you, to inflame you with Love, to elevate you, to purify your soul, to perfume it with My graces and gifts, to transfigure it, to elevate it, to divinize it, that is, to transform it into Myself. That is, to unite you so closely to Me, that one day you will participate in My Glory and in the Happiness that I give in Paradise, that I have in Paradise.
Then, you will see, My little child, how much love I have for you, how truly I am for you, Father, Teacher, Brother, Friend, Spouse, Defender and Shepherd. You will see how truly Here in these Apparitions I could not do more for you than I have done.
Here is My Divine Spouse, Mary, you have made Her cry, you have made Her suffer, My child, your delay in answering Her pleas, your preference for yourself and for sin has tortured Her every day, without ever ceasing the martyrdom of Her Immaculate Heart. Stop torturing Her, stop martyring Her, stop making Her suffer like this, or else I will be angry with you and I will repel you from My Face, I will cast you out from My Face and deliver you to the mercy of your enemies and My enemies. And I say, how great will be your ruin, how great will be your torment.
Torture no more Mary, My Most Chaste Spouse, who loves you so much and Here has sought your good, has sought your salvation by every means and in every way. See the suffering of this Mother of yours, that even being wounded by you, even being pierced by you day and night for your sins, omissions, thoughts, words, for your laziness, your sensuality, your impurity, your rebellion, your vanity, your lust, your pride, your self-worship, your self-government, your lust, your pride, your self-worship, your self-government. Even though she has been pierced by you continually, rebellious as Satan, rebellious as the devil, you have made her suffer. Even so, She has waited for you, She has fought for you, She has offered Her Tears and Her Sorrows for you before Me, every day of your life so that I will not punish you, so that I will not treat you as your sins deserve, so that I will still have patience with you, that I will still not turn My Face against you, but will still reach out to you and give you My Grace.
See how for Her sake, for Her Love for you, and for Her Love for Me, I still reach out My Hand to you once more. I do not come to condemn you, but I come with My Grace, to heal you, to set you free and sanctify you. If today, if today a sincere act of love, of repentance of your sins, of renunciation of them, comes out of your heart, if today an act of surrender, of giving, a sincere "yes" to Her and to Me, today I will begin to do marvels in you so resounding that you will not even be able to recognize yourself with what I will do in you.
What is impossible for Me? For Me, who with the Father and the Son opened the Red Sea for Moses and the chosen people? Who made water flow from the rock, Manna from heaven? I, who caused an old woman, barren, to conceive the Forerunner. I, who made a maiden conceive and give birth to the Word, without ceasing to be a Virgin, remaining intact all her life. I who gave so many Saints and Martyrs the heroic courage to do all they did, and transform the world. What will be impossible for Me in you? What can stop Me in you?
Ah! You must know that the only thing that can stop Me in you is yourself, with your rebellious, evil will, full of evil inclinations, sensual and vain, haughty and proud. Only you yourself, with your "no", your obstinacy, can stop Me from acting in you. Because I respect your freedom, because I love you and I expect your "yes", not because you are weaker than your will, than you. I could make you do it, by bringing punishments and physical harm upon you to make you bow down before Me, but this would not be obedience out of love.
I want the obedience of love, I want love of works, I want obedience of works, I want worship of works, I want the "yes" of works, as was the "yes" of the Saints and of My little son Marcos.
If you give Me this concrete and true yes today, you will not be able to imagine the divine follies of Grace and Love that I will accomplish in your soul. You will be a shining sun of holiness, and the darkness of Satan will have no power against you. And you will illuminate the whole world, reflecting My Light. And every soul seeing your clarity will also want to enter this clarity to finally see the Truth, to receive My Love, to receive My Peace, to have the inflow of My Grace in them.
With your clarity this tenebrous world, shrouded in darkness, obscured by My enemy will finally be enlightened and liberated and My Kingdom of Love will come to you, will come to this world and you will know a long, a great period of Peace, Joy and Holiness that I am preparing for you.
My generation, My people, My children, My child who hears Me now, do not fear to come to Me because I am coming to save you. I come once again to call you to the safe haven, to the fold, to My Love. Where I will shepherd you, where I Myself will keep you, feed and nourish you with the wholesome, life-saving food of My Hand.
Come to Me, My child whom I love so much. I want to dwell in you in the temple of your soul. Enthrone Mary in your Heart and, seeing her there, I will not resist, I will descend to you and in you I will live and remain forever.
My Son, the Love that I have shown you in these Apparitions, I have not shown it to many generations, nor to many peoples and nations, and I have shown it to you. I could have come to others far holier than you, and yet I came to you, a sinful creature, who only offended Me and pierced Me. And instead of punishing you and chastising you as you deserved, I came to you with Love, to lift you out of the mire of your sin, out of the swamp of your impurity, out of the misery of your spiritual destitution, and here I favored you, lifted you up and enriched you with My graces, My gifts, My peace and My love.
What more could I do for you? Here I have given you all the treasures of My Heart with full Hands, you can reap as much as the vessel of your soul can carry and receive.
I love you, I have loved you with everlasting Love and in this Love I hold you loving until you listen to Me, until you understand Me, until you give yourself to Me.
I desire that you continue to pray all the Prayers given to you here every day, by them I am transforming you into perfect, perfumed, illuminated, sanctified temples for Me. Through them, I perform in you the great Works of the Love of Mary's Heart and also of Mine. Through them I truly transform your soul into My second Heaven, into My Garden of rest.
I am now looking at each of you with Love, I am penetrating your hearts, I am probing your souls, I am seeing everything that is in you, and I say to you: I love you, I love you for everything, I love you in spite of everything, I love you above everything, and I want to save you against everything and beyond everything.
Come to Me, I love you, it is I who drew you out of all iniquity and brought you to the path of life.
In sufferings, trials, and difficulties I am with you, and though you must go through the valley of death, you are not alone. I am with you in tribulation, in suffering, and I will never leave you. Whoever is with Me will never walk in darkness, will never walk alone.
I bless you all through Mary, with Mary and in Mary, of Jerusalem, of Nazareth and of Jacareí."
Peace My children, receive My Peace, receive My Grace, receive My Love, receive Fortitude, receive Piety, receive the Holy Fear of God, receive Counsel, Science, Wisdom, Love and all its fruits.
Peace Marcos, the most obedient and devoted of My servants. Your life has always been a burning incense of adoration and perfect Love for Me, for Mary, whom you love scorchingly as I Myself taught you and made you love. And when this incense, which is your life, is all consumed, you will ascend to Me, to My throne of glory in Heaven and Here you will receive from Me the most luminous crown that is reserved for you."
(Marcos): "I would also like to ask you Lord Holy Spirit and you also My most beloved Mother in Heaven, to bless these two Pilgrim Images that are Here, one that will go with My friend Luis Marcos to Colatina, in the Holy Spirit, so that he can go on pilgrimage in the houses. Deign to bless it, so that all the families visited may receive your blessing, your grace, and be saved. And also this other one that My friend Gabriel will take with him to his region, to be enthroned in a chapel that they made on the top of a hill and that will be consecrated, dedicated to you, Mother of Heaven, with the title of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace of Jacareí.
Please deign to bless these Images so that they will carry your Grace and all your promises will be fulfilled in them."
See you soon my Lord and my God, My Mother reason for my living, reason for My prayer, reason for my existence."
Daily Apparitions' broadcast direct from the Apparitions Shrine of Jacareí
Monday to Friday, 9:00pm | Saturday, 2:00pm | Sunday, 9:00am
Weekdays, 09:00 PM | On Saturdays, 02:00 PM | On Sundays, 09:00AM (GMT -02:00)